July 02, 2024

Vermeer Corporation

[ Pella, IA ]

Vermeer Corporation hosted the AEM Manufacturing Express today in their Global Pavilion for an event attended by hundreds of manufacturing workers and community leaders. A small forest of flags stands out front, a reminder of the many countries where equipment—built right here in Pella—is hard at work feeding and fueling communities.  

Vermeer employees enjoy a barbecue lunch.

Inside the state-of-the-art building, the AEM Manufacturing Express was the backdrop to remarks honoring the hard work and achievements of the men and women who make America. “This is the single largest member engagement effort in the 130 year history of our association,” said Kip Eideberg, AEM’s Senior Vice President, who highlighted Vermeer’s leadership among equipment manufacturers nationwide.

Surrounded by gleaming yellow Vermeer equipment—including the new self-propelled baler, officially dubbed 2024’s “Coolest Thing Made in Iowa”—U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley praised Vermeer’s history in the community and importance to Iowa. Joking about the AEM Manufacturing Express tour’s inaugural stops, he said, “Starting in Iowa was a brave decision, it sets a very high bar for the rest of your tour.”

No one from Pella would be surprised that one of Iowa’s biggest manufacturing companies sprouted up in the middle of a cornfield. After all, it was founded by a local farmer. Today, the Vermeer Mile, as it is known locally, has grown to a full square mile of manufacturing excellence—and a source of pride for those who work there.

The Vermeer logo decal is ceremonially placed on the Manufacturing Express.

Robotic sweeping machines trundle up and down the aisles of one factory building after another. But they don’t build those big yellow machines. Some 3,600 manufacturing workers occupy every bay and building, intent and focused in what seems like a maze of complexity.  

This is a family company—in more ways than one. The energetic grandson of the founder? He’s now CEO. It’s not uncommon for fathers and sons, husbands and wives to ride to work together.  On the edge of the campus is a company daycare that would be the envy of any neighborhood. There’s a healthcare center and a pharmacy too.  

Here in Pella, just like the miles and miles of corn that surround it, American equipment manufacturing is thriving—as far as the eye can see.

7/2 | Vermeer (Pella, IA)

Equipment Manufacturers' Impact in IOWA

$18.3 billion is generated in tax revenue each year.

27.7k jobs are supported in Iowa alone.

131.9k jobs equipment manufacturers indirectly support.