Oh Say, Can You See? Beneath the star-spangled banner, a spark-spangled bus! On the anniversary of the nation’s independence, the AEM Manufacturing Express celebrated in style, honoring America—and the equipment manufacturers that make it strong—alongside the people of central Iowa.

In Urbandale, painted faces lined the asphalt grinning wide—as if a bigger smile meant a bigger pile of candy in each canvas sack and Spider-Man backpack. In any case, it was clear these kids—and their school bags—had been waiting for this moment since the dismissal bell had rung, marking the start of a long-awaited summer. As the AEM Manufacturing Express began to roll down these usually quiet suburban streets, it was greeted by a community ready to celebrate.
Airheads, Dum-Dums, stickers, and buttons. Two miles of Urbandale pavement. The sweltering summer sun. All in a day’s work for Brenden Blades, 14, newly minted Eagle Scout. Brenden joined the AEM Manufacturing Express team for the holiday. He cheerfully affixed an AEM Manufacturing Express bus-branded sticker to his shirt, handed out hundreds of goodies, and wished thousands of kids “Happy Fourth!” until the pop of fireworks began to drown him out.
Here in central Iowa, the manufacturing community has brought prosperity to a region that has devoted itself to making the machinery that builds, powers, and feeds this nation. This Fourth of July, that prosperity was on display. Reflected in the windshield of the AEM Manufacturing Express were happy families, children, homes; parents with good jobs, kids with enough food on the table; Americans that have given America a great gift, and who have been rewarded for their service to the country they call home.
Happy Fourth of July from Urbandale!