The Manufacturing Express is on a mission this summer to tell the stories of the 2.3 million men and women of the equipment manufacturing industry. Our journey led us to Gainesville, Georgia on a hot morning in August, the home of Kubota Manufacturing of America. Today, a crowd of nearly 700 came out to celebrate their accomplishments as leaders in the equipment manufacturing industry.

Kubota Manufacturing of America opened their doors here in the Peach State in 1988, and they’ve been growing ever since. Today Kubota employs 3500 people across the state of Georgia. Their portfolio of products include equipment for agriculture, construction, groundskeeping and more. You’ll find the Kubota logo and signature orange paint on tractors, skid-steer loaders, zero-turn mowers and much more. When it comes to manufacturing high-quality equipment, there’s very little Kubota can’t make.
Kubota is always looking for ways to innovate and improve the quality of the products. But they stand apart in their efforts to improve the quality of life for their employees.
Weld Team Leader Katie Hardy is someone whose life has changed thanks to Kubota. Hardy first joined Kubota Manufacturing of America as a temporary employee in 2021 through a transitional program for incarcerated women. This program, in which Kubota partners with the Georgia Department of Corrections, pays to send women to welding school offering skills and career development for a second chance at life once released.

Hardy was a part of the first class of this program for Kubota and credits it directly for helping her turn her life around. “This company gave me a second chance and a quality of life,” Hardy says, “and I have always felt supported, loved, and never judged for the mistakes I made in my past.”
Ask anyone who works here in Gainesville and they’ll be sure to tell you that Kubota puts people first. Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities Ryan Owen helped build the company’s employee-focused culture by focusing on creating the greatest possible positive impact on the community. “Our purpose is to build a better future for our employees,” Owen said, “and create generational impact through families, communities, and our customers.”
It’s easy to see how a company like Kubota Manufacturing of America has a positive impact far beyond their incredible stamp on Gainesville, Georgia. Through their tractors, balers, and excavators, Kubota is making the equipment that builds and feeds the world. Thousands of families benefit from the opportunities Kubota provides. Those families all go to school around here. It’s hard to overstate the benefits that Kubota manufactures for the families and economy of Georgia and beyond. It’s a great story for Georgia. It has been an amazing day at Kubota and the Manufacturing Express was thrilled to be a part of it.